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OcUK Official Overclockers UK Extreme Gaming Mug XL

In January 2012, Overclockers UK redefined ‘hot drink holding’ performance with the introduction of the Official Overclockers UK Elite Gaming Mug. This revolutionary new design upped the ante in every way imaginable to provide enthusiasts and gamers with the most satisfying and engaging hot drink experience available to date. Today, the game has changed. Demands on the modern gamer have increased and the ability to play for extended periods of time with a low capacity drinks container is a real drawback.Overclockers UK have addressed this problem with the introduction of our latest addition to our gaming glassware range. The Official Overclockers UK Extreme Gaming Mug XL is an enhancement in every possible way. Upping the storage capacity over the standard 330ml OcUK Gaming Mug to an eye watering 450ml.This larger capacity increases the ‘Hot Drink Holding’ capabilities of over our previous mug by over 36%.Overclockers UK senior technical staff have carried out extensive long term testing to ensure stability, coaster compatibility and handle comfort. The interior of our new mug features a black glazed sidewall and base which reduces liquid resistance and makes for easy maintenance. The stylish, non-slip matt finish on the exterior of the mug is an enhancement for this year designed to increase grip and be much more hard wearing than previous designs.If you are serious about drinking large volumes of beverage, the Official Overclockers UK Extreme Gaming Mug XL should be top of your list. Technical Specification:• HBM Technology (Hot Beverage Magnificence) • TeaSync technology delivers the smoothest drinking experience• Seamless Kettle to Mug Streaming capability.• Sleek Black design• Driver Free Installation with improved ‘Mug & Play’ technologies.• Liquid Nitrogen Compatible• Wide handle for improved stability• Heavy Duty build quality to withstand the hottest beverage• Unparalleled ‘Hot Drink Holding’ ability• Overclockers UK Logo on both sides• 450ml capacity and ultra-wide opening• Backwards compatibility with all existing drink and desk combinations