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Der8auer ARGB LED Lighting Strip – 30cm

Roman “der8auer” Hartung (Pronounced: “Der Bower”) is a trained mechanical engineer (B.Eng.), hardware enthusiast and professional overclocker from Germany. He first made a name for himself in the overclocking scene as a teenager thanks to the technical excellence of his system builds. He’s always keen to get the last ounce of performance from any hardware he’s working on; going so far as to design his very own Extreme OC utensils such as LN2 coolers. At Overclockers UK, der8auer plans to offer a range of exclusive case-modding products, debuting with the der8auer ARGB-LED-Strip . This has a total of 15 digitally addressable RGB LEDs distributed over a 30cm strip . The strip is almost completely black aside from a series of small white der8auer logos between the LEDs. The lighting strip is firmly attached to the case either via magnets or adhesive. Additionally it features a 3-pin RGB socket (5VDG) and the corresponding connector, which enables several ARGB LED strips to be daisy chained together. Note: An RGB LED controller is required for proper functioning. This is sold separately. Specification: Dimensions: 320x10x3mm (LxW H) LEDs: 15x RGB Voltage: 5V No. Magnets: 5 Connection: 3-pin (5VDG, 5V)